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Drone Training is on the Rise

When entering college, you may not know what it is you want to study at first. After perusing through your course listings, many things may jump out at you as potentially being interesting. While you’re looking, keep an eye out! You may or may not be aware, but schools are adding drone training to their registry. Colleges are training students to be drone operators and technicians. Our world is changing, and our schools are trying to reflect the society we currently live in.

Drones are being integrated into different parts of society. It's a growing market which could lead to increased demand in drone expertise. Colleges and universities are beginning to realize this. For years, colleges and universities from all over the country have been adding minors and degrees in Unmanned Aerial/Aircraft Systems. Students at the Embry-Riddle University (one of the first universities to offer this program) have the options of obtaining their Bachelors on either the Pilot or Operator track.Their typical first semester schedule for someone on this path includes courses in pilot operations and aeronautical science success.

As the job market demand for all things drone related continues to increase, universities are enhancing their efforts to prepare the potential workforce. The number of job opportunities available in defense, aerospace, and the commercial sectors has the potential to grow significantly, but the future is uncertain. While colleges are glad to provide students with the opportunity to learn, Technology Review reports that faculty are uncomfortable with the lack of certainty surrounding their student’s job prospects.

Regardless of these fears, the drone industry is expected to continue to grow. The AUVSI (Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International) foresees the drone industry creating over 100,000 jobs through 2025. As a new and rising industry is still unclear what the future holds for people who take on these specializations. Current students should take advantage of their advisors, upperclassmen and entry level courses if they are interested in pursuing the degree.

Other options to get your hands on a drone are workshops taught by the Women Who Drone! Check out upcoming workshops below.

Check out these lists of schools that offer drone training programs:


I am a writer and an artist based in Georgia. Specializing in illustration, graphic design, and video art, I love to explore the new ways technology intersects with art. I think drones have done amazing things for photography and video art, making what would previously be costly and difficult more accessible. As a complete novice, it was only recently that I saw what independent artists could do with their drones, and I continue to be impressed by the sights that drones are able to explore and the images they can capture.

Instagram: @tyesha.ferron

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